Monday, September 14, 2009

What is it about 4.6 barrels per year?

Cats are curious
(a friend of mine behind the computer screen)

Since 1982 the number of people in the world has grown by almost 45% or 2 billion people (chart 1).

Oil supply has been unable to outpace population growth since the 1970s and has from 1982 until recently just been able to keep pace with demand (chart 2). What can one person do with 4.6 barrels (193 US gallons) per year? With a vehicle getting 30 miles per gallon one can drive an average of around 16 miles per day.

Why has per capita consumption been so stable since 1982 having grown at an increasing pace for the prior 120 years (chart 2 again)? The answer is that a new method of rationing demand emerged in 1983: benchmark pricing linked to transparent free liquid markets (see chapter 1 of Oil 101). Free markets and necessarily volatile oil price became the adjusting factor matching available supply to demand.

To put the global average of 4.6 barrels of oil consumption per year in perspective, the number of barrels consumed per person in 2008 in India was 0.9, China 2.2, Brazil 4.6, Germany 11.1 and the US 23.3.

Build your own chart of consumption patterns over time by clicking here (click the 'Play' button to start and the individual country to track over time - set X axis to 'Time' and Y axis to 'Oil Barrels Consumed per Person').